Trekking Trials and Tribulations

After four gruelling days walking 110kms and climbing some significant hills I arrived in Dwellingup.  It had been a very solitary experience as for three days I’d only passed one other hiker and there had been no mobile phone connection.  I burst into the Dwellingup Visitor’s Center just so I could talk to somebody, to hear another human’s voice.  The highlights of this section of the hike were the first signs of Spring, the wildflowers and the vistas from Mr Cooke and Mt Wells.  The low point was hiking up Mt Wells with a 20kg backpack with a slope that felt like it was at 75 degrees.  Also, not being able to linger at the top of Mt Cooke as I could see a rain squall heading to the granite top and as we know, granite and water cause slippery conditions. I had to dash off the hill as quickly as I could and didn’t spend enough time taking in the stunning views.  It was certainly a hard four days of hiking, but totally rewarding.